Could honesty about worthlessness of Connemara inspections bring ACPS thousands of new members?

Posted on: October 16, 2022

What would happen if the American Connemara Pony Society were honest with the world about the worthlessness of its Connemara inspections program?

What if it told the world that there’s no way one can anoint a Connemara as premium by watching it mostly stand still for 12 minutes with a brief walk and trot?

What if the ACPS fessed up to inspections having huge additional flaws, such as allowing anyone, including competing breeders and those with no riding or judging background, to be inspectors?

Would the already plummeting membership total drop further?

Here’s what might happen.

In 2017, Girl Scout Charlotte McCourt of Troop 22918 wrote brutally honest opinions of the cookies she was trying to sell to a prospective buyer.

She said the Girl Scouts organization sometimes used false advertising in describing its cookies.

In her opinion, the Trefoil cookie was “kind of boring,” the Do-Si-Do unoriginal and bland, and the Toffee-Tastic “flavorless as dirt.”

She did offer praise for the Thin Mint and Samoa cookies and gave a pretty good review for the Savannah Smile.

Her reviews became public on Facebook, and her goal to sell 300 boxes that year turned into actual sales of 23,219 boxes.

Turns out, honesty has a lot of fans.

People appreciate it when one calls a rat a rat and a bad cookie a bad cookie.

What about calling worthless Connemara inspections worthless and then getting rid of them?

Let’s see how many new fans the ACPS can make for itself by being honest.